Thursday, June 04, 2009

in camera

Do me a favor, promise me you will. Okay? If no, you may skip this. Yes?! OK, now read on. Remember I shall hold you to your word.

1) Next time when you click a good looking snap, please don't touch it, retouch it, touch it up, Photoshop it. Don't let the moment get eclipsed by tech tools. I know to each his own but still try! Remember you promised!

2) It gets a little serious here. Promise me if you come across a very beautiful picture clicked by someone, you will not, repeat after me, you will not ask the photographer, "what camera is it?" "which model?", "no wonder, it is good!". Okay? Mummy promise. This is applicable even when the picture is not up to your standards. Either way you are insulting the photographer.


Prashanti :) said...

whew a kinda rant here !!!!
so who got your goat ????

Anonymous said...

i may still ask which camera and model...out of curiosity.

if only good cameras made good snaps the world would have been filled with billions and trillions of fantastic snaps.


Santosh Kumar T K said...


Some one keeps getting my goat one way or the other. No! I am not saying this because it has happened to me, I have seen this happen to some of my close photographer friends who are more professional than I am. No respect for their thoughts, ideas, concepts; straight one bloody question "what camera?" "oh! new camera!" imagine puncturing someone's artistic ego. Is it not akin to asking M F Hussain what animal hair brush he uses for this work, or saying Rahman's output is only because he has some of the most sophisticated equipment you could lay your hands on. If everyone had access to SG bats, everyone could have been a Tendulkar. The names I have mentioned are not important here at all, but I am sure you do get the drift. It could be anyone. It hurts me when I say this but I have noticed this behavior is rampant mostly in Andhra. I am not qualified to comment on other places but out here every piece of work, concept, idea is broken down to the most objective bits of explanation. "O deenlo emi undi le, gottam! thokka! evaraina cheyyagaluguthaadu" There is no room for mystery, there is no room for one's own interpretation. In fact THIS is my rant, and I will stop here before I go ultra filthy and cut loose. I don't like dropping names and if I did, you'd be shocked!

Santosh Kumar T K said...


I don't quite get the tone of your comment, but on the face value of it I will respect and agree with you on your second paragraph.

Prashanti :) said...

ty santosh,
I HATE it when ANYONE belittles anything someone has done !!! firstly, its not your business to belittle anyone's work and secondly you need to have some basic courtesy before saying something so base !!!

Anonymous said...

Wuchh one santy mama???
