Friday, December 11, 2009

badal rahein hain hum yahaan

Few commercial symbols of modern India evoke such emotions and feel good factor as Doordarshan, Rasna, Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan, and Bajaj. When their swankier, sleeker successors (satellite TV, energy drinks, Zee Horror Show, and Honda) came around, we took figurative showers to wash off all the dirty thoughts. How could we break the allegiances? Yet we grudgingly but surely moved on. These symbols didn't change, and they did what they had to in their own unpretentious way. They never gave us the dirty stares for cheating on them, there was some kind of a motherly loving smile on their faces almost as if saying "it's OK, you have to move on."

We moved on and yet in our near-perfect, super consumerist, comfortable lives when we chance upon the news of such a nostalgic gem going to its grave, we are reminded that yes, the party cannot go on for long.

Bajaj Auto has decided to discontinue its scooter production.

hamara bajaj ab nahi rahega

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