Thursday, April 15, 2010


see myself taking to an iPhone as much as I would to a, say, a MacBook (I'd pay to possess one!) or an iPad (I take gifts!). In fact I have come to accept everything Apple throws at me and no, I am not a fanboy as yet. There's a place for all, you see! :)

Apple's sense of design and aesthetics is in perfect agreement with mine; their design philosophy, simplicity, clutter-free environment, brilliant fonts, neat layouts, user-friendliness-taken-to-an-extreme level, cartons and packaging, right down to the costumes the models wear, and the voice-overs in their TV and print ads. Heck, I even have all the iPod cases, bought till date, lined up in my drawing room!

I know I am just touching the surface and not going deep. I will live with it.

So it is quite surprising that the iPhone has failed to impress me till date. Yes, it has all the cool apps and the works, things look seamless but it has never enthused me enough to buy one. Why? I guess it boils down to the form factor. It's been like this from my India days where I'd prefer a plain vanilla Nokia to those bizarre attention seekers. I like my phones short, smart, simple and of the right thickness. Neither very thin like a wafer, nor very long like a pencil box.

and when I hold it in my hand it should feel just right.

Just like that perfect, huggable, nubile and petite beauty. :)

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