Friday, September 11, 2009

Ford Escort

It is really nice to see the in-the-ICU-still-on-ventilator US auto giant endorsing a federal ban on banning texting while driving. Engaging in any activity that takes away your attention from the road is ban-worthy, and why all states, despite the necessity, didn't ban that long ago is really a no-brainer. This isn't to say that I support hands-free, Bluetooth technology for speaking while driving. But while speaking at least doesn't require one to take one's eyes away from the traffic, texting that demands more attention, ignoring the freaks and geeks, could be far more fatal. As a person who has witnessed the stupid acts of girls and boys here while driving, I simply do not understand why states would not budge from their careless stance until they were threatened to be pulled away federal highway funds from!

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